Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Love Affair…with Chocolate

This SOB has developed a late-in-life love affair. I was never one that cared much for candy of any type but I especially did not like chocolate. No candy bars, chocolate cake or ice cream for me. Admittedly when pregnant I did crave a Baby Ruth once. And eating just one took care of the craving – for the rest of the pregnancy. It is really the caramel that I like and the chocolate and nuts just came along with it. Now that I have “embraced health”, I have developed a love affair with organic, pure, dark 24 Karat Chocolate®. Yes, chocolate is a health food and I have fallen for the benefits of this highest antioxidant. I have chocolate for breakfast every day. And one of my buddies insists that a cup of coffee is best with a little chocolate. Of course you already know that those candy bars by the cash register at your local convenience mart or in vending machines are filled with extra sugar, dross, and wax that don’t benefit you. You can learn more about the history and benefits of chocolate at www.whychocolate.com and my favorite resource for chocolate.

Celebrate with your Valentine this week and share your affair with chocolate.


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